
Everybody Try This

All you need are your arms. Put them straight out in front of you with your palms facing upward. Notice that at the elbow, your arms either curve slightly inwards or outwards. Which way do your arms bend? Maybe they don't bend at all.

Now, while you’re looking at your arms, also try this. Actually, just look at your hands. Straighten out your fingers, but keep them together. Notice that your index finger and ring finger are different lengths. Which fingers are longer for you? Do they all go out just as far?

Supposedly for both of these, each gender will have the opposite characteristic. Can you figure out which characteristics go with which gender, or are you an exception? See what other people say.


Blogger Splaat said...

Well, I don't know about you guys, but my arms curve slightly inwards, and my ring fingers are a little longer than my index fingers. I think that's how it's supposed to be for males (and if it isn't, I'll say it is anyway).

20/2/05 09:45  

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