
Prequel to "Unclean"

Well, my cat was throwing up this afternoon. In another room, I started hearing this noise that sounded like a car trying to start up. I went to see, and there was my cat, and there was her old food. It wasn’t just anywhere. She had to puke on the one place on the floor where I had some clothing. I had no choice but to do some laundry afterwards. I carried my clothes carefully so that the puke wouldn’t slip onto the floor, and tossed them into the washer. I wondered if cat puke might hurt the washer, but figured it would be fine. After I turned the washer on, I went back to clean the carpet, just in case. I used lots of soap and a spray. My cat didn’t seem sick at all. She just seemed happy, almost as if she were laughing at me.


Blogger tcp said...

My dog threw up on the stairs earlier this week. I thought it looks kinda like cheerios. He probably did too cause I cought him trying to eat it again.

13/2/05 01:21  
Blogger Jackie said...

Bagel always throws up. She always eats all kinds of things that u'll never think of. One day, she looked really enervate that was really unusual of her. I couldn't see what's wrong with her, I though maybe she's just too tired. I took her to my grandmom's house, Grandmom has had lots of dogs before. And she found out that there's something wrong with her month. Her month was all red. I took her to the veterinarian right away and her month was too hurt to eat anything. After I went back home, I found some damaged batteries in the room where she stayed in the night before. I skipped a class the next day to stay at home with her just in case.

13/2/05 06:28  
Blogger Splaat said...

Dogs eating vomit: okay, that's one thing. It's not too odd for dogs, especially not Dog Patch, although pretty disgusting. But for Moon Dog to be eating batteries: woah. Good thing she lived. I wonder if Dog Patch has ever done that, although I wouldn't put it past him. I guess batteries don't work on dogs, and now you know where they all go when you can't find any.

13/2/05 08:30  

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